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May 29, 2007


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Shela Mills

Even though there isn’t any focus on the role of boys and men; and the state of the South African government. Both of which can be attributed to the fact that bizarre practices of this sort are still being performed. In my opinion these mothers are only doing the best they can with what little resources and support they have access to. Sure, a mother can very well talk to her daughter, but about what really? The same things she had to face growing up are the same things her daughter faces as she grows up, things haven’t changed from back in her day, because for her back, in the days is the same as today. She is only trying to protect her daughter the best and maybe only way she knows. Educating the mothers and encouraging them to talk about sex is great, buts lets look at the big picture. When you live in a society where domestic violence and sexual assault against women are normal what advice can you really give her? Young girls often have very little or no control over who, when, and even where they have sex, let alone being able to ask their “dominating sex partners” to wear a condom. I feel the issue starts with woman’s rights and equality in Africa, and then maybe these mothers won’t be so desperate to protect the daughters, that they actually do more harm than help

Shela Mills

Even though there isn’t any focus on the role of boys and men; and the state of the South African government. Both of which can be attributed to the fact that bizarre practices of this sort are still being performed. In my opinion these mothers are only doing the best they can with what little resources and support they have access to. Sure, a mother can very well talk to her daughter, but about what really? The same things she had to face growing up are the same things her daughter faces as she grows up, things haven’t changed from back in her day, because for her back, in the days is the same as today. She is only trying to protect her daughter the best and maybe only way she knows. Educating the mothers and encouraging them to talk about sex is great, buts lets look at the big picture. When you live in a society where domestic violence and sexual assault against women are normal what advice can you really give her? Young girls often have very little or no control over who, when, and even where they have sex, let alone being able to ask their “dominating sex partners” to wear a condom. I feel the issue starts with woman’s rights and equality in Africa, and then maybe these mothers won’t be so desperate to protect the daughters, that they actually do more harm than help

Romeo  Vitelli

Unfortunately, there are all sorts of questionable practices that are often justified by being in the child's best interest. Education may be the answer but it's still an uphill battle.

Breast cancer brachytherapy

What kind of education is going to be provided to these mothers? Do we really have right to interfere? It is exactly the point where you decide - either we are postmodern supporters of "equal cultures has equal value" principle or we go back to Victorian times principle "you are not allowed to eat each other cause I have a machine gun and i mean it!"

Romeo  Vitelli

Breast ironing isn't about cultural traditions. It's meant as a way of protecting young girls from rape. Providing girls and their mothers with viable alternatives may be the best way of eradicating the practice.

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