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September 28, 2010


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Here's a link to the report, by the way: http://www.who.int/mental_health/policy/mhtargeting/en/

Keith Staley


You may be interested to know there is an online Global Mental Health Petition to the United Nations @ http://www.gopetition.com/online/37267.html

The petition is calling upon the UN to urgently act by priortising a World Health Organisation Report and Action Plan and taking immediate steps to help those people and their families with mental health illnesses and human rights abuse issues in the developing countries of the world!

The petition was instigated and developed in partnership by two grass roots facebook groups. As well as collecting the signatures it needs (100,000) to formally trigger its formally presentation to the UN, it is also being used as a educational resource as to the situation of the needs of mental health provision and human rights protection in the developing world.
The petition also allows for the signee to make a personal comment to the UN as to the mental health situation.

Since its launch in the middle of June this year the petition has been signed by 1,326 people from around the world. Any help in getting it circulated to the attention of any interested parties would be appreciated!

Romeo  Vitelli

Thank you for letting me know about this. I urge everybody to add their own support to this important resolution.

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