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July 08, 2014


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I just searched for "ego-dystonic" in our local ICD-10 database to try to test the last paragraph's statements about height and singing (surely there would be other potential causes of ego-dyston...ism?), and only four codes came up - one for sexual orientation generally, two different ones for homosexuality (ICD-10 is nothing if not thorough), and one for lesbianism specifically. Nothing for any other kind of severe dissatisfaction unrelated to sexual orientation, and no such thing as ego-dystonic heterosexuality. It does look like a remnant of a broader group of categories that were culled for the reasons given in this post.

There's also "High risk homosexual behavior" (alongside "heterosexual" and "bisexual" variants of the same code) and a bunch related to "transsexualism", though the latter are probably key pathways for trans people to legitimate the treatments they seek.

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